1 Illegal statement.
2 Cursor ran off end of program. Look for missing ] or ).
3 Symbol error. A name was expected.
5 Right parenthesis missing.
6 Subscript out of range.
7 Using a pointer as variable or vice versa.
8 expecting "while" error.
9 More expression expected, as in x=x+.
14 Illegal equal sign, as in 7=2.
15 Pop error. Stack underflow. Your program tried to "pop" something
off an empty tiny-c stack.
16 Push error. Stack overflow. Either an expression is too tough or you are too
deeply nested in functions or a recursion has gone too deep.
17 Too many active functions.
18 Too many active variables.
19 Too many active values. Values share space with program text.
"Squeeze" the program (e.g. remove comments etc.) and this error may go away.
20 Startup error. Caused by a "garbage" line outside of all brackets ([
]), i.e. where globals are declared. A missing [ or ] can cause this.
21 Number of arguments needed don't agree with number of arguments given.
22 A function body must begin with [.
24 Illegal invocation of MC.
26 Undefined symbol. Perhaps a variable name is misspelled or you need
an int or char statement for it or a function isn't loaded.
99 Program interrupted.